What Are Chronic Ulcers & How Do You Treat Them?

Chronic ulcers/wounds are open wounds on the surface of your skin that take a long time to heal. These ulcers are common on your ankles, feet, and legs. There are several reasons that can cause these ulcers. Given that the treatment is a long process, here’s all you need to know about chronic ulcers and their treatment process in Jodhpur.

What Are Chronic Ulcers/Wounds?

Chronic ulcers are wounds on your legs that, due to tissue loss, look like a hole inside your body. As they are open, they can become infected and get worse if not treated accordingly. Even with treatment, these wounds take a long time to heal. These wounds are not a result of accidents; they are caused by varying factors, which are discussed below.

What Causes Chronic Ulcers?

There are several risk factors that can lead to chronic ulcers. Let’s review the risk factors and why they contribute to chronic ulcers.

Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Due to blockages in the veins or due to reflux, which is the backflow of blood inside the veins, tissues in your leg can be affected by a condition known as chronic venous insufficiency. It is caused due to prolonged exposure to high pressure inside the veins of your legs. This is one of the main causes of chronic ulcers and wounds.


Obesity is another leading cause of chronic ulcers because obesity has adverse effects on your circulatory system. The added pressure on your veins and arteries, combined with the possibility of developing clots in them, are what make obesity a leading cause of chronic ulcers.

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes is also a common cause of chronic ulcers because of its inherent effect on your body. Diabetes makes your body prone to infections, especially in your foot. Any wound takes longer to heal if you have diabetes. So, the possibility of getting chronic wounds increases with having diabetes mellitus.

It should be noted that chronic ulcers may seem like a variation of skin cancer, but for the most part, ulcers on the leg are not skin cancer. They are chronic ulcers or wounds.

How Do You Treat Chronic Ulcers/Wounds?

The treatment of chronic ulcers depends greatly on finding out the root cause of it. These ulcers don’t have any go-to treatment option particularly. The goal is to find the main cause and treat that until the ulcer is healed. So, for you to get treatment for your chronic ulcers/wounds, you need to see a specialist, a vascular surgeon, to be precise.

A vascular surgeon will thoroughly examine your body to determine the cause of your ulcer. It’s crucial that you disclose your entire medical history to them for a correct diagnosis. If you go through any of the conditions listed above that are causes of ulcers, you should let your doctor know. Other than that, if you have any other vascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, or varicose veins, you should let your doctor know.

With the right information, your doctors can figure out the root cause and treat that, which will ultimately help your chronic ulcer heal.


That’s a brief overview of chronic ulcers and how to treat them. If you or someone you know has chronic ulcers/wounds, feel free to visit MediPulse hospital in Jodhpur. MediPulse is the best tertiary care multispeciality hospital in Jodhpur, with ample experience in dealing with chronic ulcer cases. For more information about chronic ulcer treatment at MediPulse, visit the hospital website or visit the hospital for consultation.