Understanding the Frozen Section Procedure: A Closer Look at Intraoperative Pathology

The Frozen Section Procedure is a diagnostic test used predominantly in surgical pathology to provide a rapid microscopic specimen analysis during surgery. This technique plays a crucial role in guiding

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चिरंजीवी योजना में अस्थि रोग के अंतर्गत कूल्हों का प्रत्यारोपण (THR-Total hip replacement) का इलाज़ : महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी और आवेदन प्रक्रिया

कूल्हों का प्रत्यारोपण एक प्रकार की सर्जरी है जिसमें कूल्हे के जोड़ को कृत्रिम भागों से बदल दिया जाता है। यह उपचार तब किया जाता है जब कूल्हे का जोड़ घिस जाता है या अत्यधिक दर्द और अक्षमता का कारण बनता है।

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चिरंजीवी योजना में अस्थि रोग के अंतर्गत घुटनो का प्रत्यारोपण (TKR-Total knee replacement) का इलाज़ : महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी और आवेदन प्रक्रिया

घुटने का दर्द, आज के समय में, विशेषकर बुजुर्ग जनसंख्या में एक सामान्य समस्या बन गई है। इसका मुख्य कारण है अस्थि रोग जिसके चलते घुटनों का कार्टिलेज धीरे-धीरे घिसता चला जाता है, और अंततः, घुटनों का प्रत्यारोपण (Total Knee Replacement - TKR) एकमात्र विकल्प बचता है।

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PET CT scan side effects : Understanding the risks and complications.

PET CT scan is a diagnostic imaging test that combines positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT) to produce highly detailed images of the body.

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Understanding PET CT Scan - How it works and what to expect

PET CT (Positron Emission Tomography - Computed Tomography) is a medical imaging technique that combines the functional information of PET and the anatomical details of CT to produce highly detailed images of the human body.

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Benefits of ICE therapy

Ice therapy, also known as cryotherapy, is a popular treatment for sports injuries. It involves the application of ice or a cold pack to an injured area of the body to reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation. Ice therapy

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ArthroscopyHoney Mathur
What is knee arthroscopy and what are the precautions you should keep

Knee arthroscopy is a common surgical procedure used to diagnose and treat various knee conditions such as torn cartilage, osteoarthritis, and ligament damage. As with any surgery, proper postoperative

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ArthroscopyHoney Mathur
5 Ways You Can Reduce/Control Your Cholesterol Levels

High cholesterol levels lead to cardiac problems and clogged arteries. It is one of the most common health concerns nowadays, with 6 out of 10 people having abnormal cholesterol levels. High cholesterol levels, or,

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Cholesterol: The Ultimate Cardiac Health Regulator

Cholesterol is not a bad thing. It helps your body produce healthy cells. However, given their waxy nature, if they are above the recommended levels, they can cause cardiac health problems. The main problem with

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What Are Chronic Ulcers & How Do You Treat Them?

Chronic ulcers/wounds are open wounds on the surface of your skin that take a long time to heal. These ulcers are common on your ankles, feet, and legs. There are several reasons that can cause these ulcers.

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What Is Gynecomastia? Do You Need Treatment For It? What Are Your Treatment Options?

As the quality of life improves in India, people take time to try and fix the quality of life problems for a better body image. Body dysmorphia is a real issue, and even though women more commonly go through it,

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Scarring: What Is It?, Its Types, & Treatments

Scars, the things that remind you that you got hurt, or the things that supposedly make you more manly. Whatever your take on scars might be, medically, they are tissues formed at the sight of any cuts or bruises

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