When to visit a neurologist?

The human body performs on neural impulses which are carried by the nerves distributed all across the body. The two main types of nerves are motor and sensory nerves, each responsible for a separate set of functions. For example, the sensory nerves will carry neural impulses to and from the sense organs and the cerebrum while the motor nerves will act with the muscles.

Since nerves are essential for carrying the information between two specific spots, any problem in their general function will cause a disparity in your body’s functioning. Let’s say you are suffering from a cervical pinched nerve. This neurological problem will affect your neck movements and to a certain extent the hand movement also. Similarly, if you are feeling shooting pain in the back of your thigh muscles, you are most probably suffering from sciatica nerve pain.

It’s difficult to tell whether one is suffering from neurological problems or not without any expert’s help. This is why as soon as you witness the symptoms, visiting a neurologist is mandatory. But, the question is what symptoms you should look out for?

That’s what we will answer here for you- the symptoms which will suggest probable neurological problems so that you can visit the doctor at the earliest.

Severe headaches followed by dizziness

Normal headaches usually happen due to sleep deficiency, excessive stress, migraine, and others. However, if your headache persists and becomes intolerable as the days pass, it’s a clear indication that you are suffering from probable neurological pain. As the brain is the largest organ in the human nervous system, any problem will lead to severe and chronic headaches. This is why you should visit the neurologist at the earliest before the problem worsens.

Pain in the neck and shoulder region

Wrong posture or sudden muscle strains usually cause intense pain in the neck and shoulder region. However, if the pain persists and radiates out to the chest and upper limbs, you are most probably suffering from a pinched nerve or cervical spondylosis. Some of the major symptoms of this neurological problem are numbness in the hands, especially the fingers, shooting pain near the sternum or in the extreme side of the chest, tingling sensation, and others.

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Immobility or pain in limbs

The human body has two major muscle types- voluntary and involuntary. Both the limbs have voluntary muscles since a person can move the appendages of his own will. These muscles are controlled by the motor area of the brain- the cerebellum. Under certain situations, you might face difficulties in moving your limbs or rotating them about the ball and socket joints. Primarily, the reason for this immobility could be an injury but most times, the person suffers from neurological problems which is why one becomes unable to move arms and legs freely. Under such conditions, a visit to a neurologist shouldn't be kept impending for too long.

Shooting pain in the lower back

The lower part of the spine, i.e. the lumbar and sacral region has several nerves which control the action of your lower appendages and the surrounding areas. If somehow you suffer a spine injury, the nerves can get compressed. Due to this, you will often feel a shooting pain originating near your spine and then radiating out in a particular direction. For example, people who suffer from slip discs in the lumbar region usually have symptoms like swells, sharp pain in the hips while bending, inability to walk properly, and others.

Numbness and tingling sensation

Another common symptom that will tell you that your body needs an immediate inspection from a neurologist is numbness. The nerves are responsible for your senses. When you accidentally touch a hot utensil, you retract your hand because your skin can sense the hot temperature. Similarly, if someone is pinching you hard, you will feel the pain. However, sometimes, the senses stop working and you will feel the body part becoming numb for a couple of minutes. Usually, numbness is followed by tingling sensations. These two symptoms combined define a neural problem that needs immediate attention.


Neural pains are often confused with other health issues, and that’s why proper diagnosis is not done. This can further worsen the situation, where one might even suffer from neural degenerative diseases. For this reason, the moment you notice any of the above-mentioned symptoms, you need to consult a neurologist immediately. After inspecting thoroughly and seeing the test reports, the professional will be able to deduce exactly what the problem is and which nerves have been affected. If you are searching for neurologist assistance in Jodhpur then you must visit MediPulse as their experienced staff will be able to help in an effective manner.