What is the job of a Cardiologist, and when should you see one

What is the job of a Cardiologist

A cardiologist treats and deals with any problems in your cardiovascular system. They are specialists in treating heart problems. But that’s a very rudimentary understanding of what it is to be a cardiologist. It takes a medical student at least 7 - 10 years to become a cardiologist, so with all due respect to the countless lives they save on a daily basis. Let’s delve deep into what is the job of a cardiologist and when you should visit one.

What Is The Job Of A Cardiologist?

A cardiologist is your one-stop doctor for all things related to your heart and circulatory system; They are uniquely trained to help you treat problems ranging from chest pain to heart failure. Their job is to read your symptoms and try to figure out the underlying condition that is causing you to have the problems. A cardiologist orders various tests to try and figure out the internal problems of your heart and circulatory system. Listed below are some of the most common problems treated by cardiologists and some of the tests used by cardiologists to diagnose patients.

Conditions Treated By Cardiologists

  • Chest pain

  • Problems with your blood vessels

  • High blood pressure

  • High cholesterol levels

  • Heart failure

  • Cardiovascular diseases

  • Problems with heart valves

Diagnostic Tests Used By Cardiologists To Treat Patients

  • Electrocardiograms

  • Echocardiograms

  • Computed Tomography

  • Stress Echocardiography

  • Exercise Stress Test

  • Coronary Angiogram

  • Nuclear Stress Tests

A cardiologist first listens to your symptoms and then asks you about your family history of cardiovascular diseases. Then they ask you about your lifestyle and your smoking or drinking habits. Following the questionnaire, cardiologists conduct a physical exam to assess your condition. Based on the results, they would ask you to go for the diagnostic tests mentioned above or prescribe you medication to aid your symptoms. So, that’s all you need to know about the job of a cardiologist. If you want to learn more, you check out other resources about Cardiologists on the official website of MediPulse hospital. Now, let’s discuss the situations where you should visit a cardiologist.

When Should You Visit A Cardiologist?

When Your General Doctor Recommends

It is not advised that you directly visit specialists with your symptoms. It’s best to visit a cardiologist when your general doctor recommends it.

If You Are A Smoker

Whether it is a single smoke a day or many, smoking causes serious damage to your heart, and it is crucial that you quit in time. So, to help you quit and assess the damage of smoking on your cardiovascular system, you should visit a cardiologist.

If You Are Diabetic

The different types of diabetes are one of the leading causes of heart disease today. Diabetes and heart diseases are often cross-linked; one comes with the other. So, it is important that you get yourself to a cardiologist for a checkup if you have recently been diagnosed with diabetes.

If You Have A Genetic Predisposition (Family History) Of Heart Diseases

Family history and genetics can often predispose you to cardiovascular diseases even if you live a moderately healthy life. So, if you have cardiovascular problems in your heredity, it is essential you get yourself checked in time to assess your risk factors and address them before they can act up.

If You Are Experiencing Heart Pain

Pain in your heart can never be for anything good. So, if you are experiencing sharp pain in your heart or pain that is persistent, you must immediately visit a cardiologist to diagnose your problems.


So, that are some of the reasons you should visit a cardiologist. Cardiologists are one of the most in-demand doctors nowadays, given the increasing number of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. So, if you want to get treated by the best cardiologists with years of experience and state-of-the-art infrastructure, visit MediPulse hospital.