Acne And Abnormal Female Hair Distribution- Hirsutism

Hirsutism is a medical condition that causes excess growth of dark and coarse hair on areas of a woman’s body, where it normally should not grow. Abnormal hair growth is witnessed on face, neck, upper arms, upper legs, chest and abdomen. Hirsutism is not a disease but it is a prominent symptom of an underlying problem that the woman’s body is suffering from. The most common cause of Hirsutism is PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) in which small fluid filled sacs develop in your ovaries. It is also one of the main causes of infertility in women.

The problem of hirsutism is directly linked to hormonal changes in the body of a woman. The female body produces oestrogen hormone which makes the body hair soft and tender. A female body naturally makes small amounts of androgens through ovaries and adrenal glands, but when androgens are produced in large quantities, it triggers testosterone hormone which is produced in a male body. These hormonal changes cause some dominant male physical and sexual developments in a woman’s body. The hormonal imbalances also cause acne problems in some women.


Symptoms of Hirsutism

The prominent signs and symptoms of hirsutism includes the following:

●      A sudden change in the growth rate of hair

●      Development of new hair on unwanted areas

●      Change in hair colour and hair distribution

Excessive growth of body hair on areas where typically hair grows in a male body such as chest, neck, face, thigs, buttocks and abdomen

●      Sudden development of skin problems like acne or seborrhoea

●      Development of warts on skin

●      Appearance of certain masculine characteristics like heaviness in voice

●      Irregular menstruation

●      High levels of insulin

●      Infertility

●      Breast size becoming smaller

Causes of Hirsutism in Women

Hirsutism is not a disease in itself but it is an underlying cause of some other form of illness that is developing in a female body. Following are some of the prominent causes that cause hirsutism in women:

1.     PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome): About 5-10% of women suffer from PCOS which is also one of the major causes of infertility in women. When a woman is suffering from PCOS, small fluid-filled cysts develop in the ovaries which causes the ovaries to produce androgens in larger quantities. This hormonal imbalance causes abnormal hair growth and other characteristics that are usually found in a male body.

2.     Cushing Syndrome: Cushing syndrome is a condition in which there is overproduction of cortisol by the adrenal glands. Women who are suffering from Cushing syndrome often have weak muscles, diabetes and irregular menstruation. In some significant studies, it has been found that hirsutism is one of the major disorders that is found in women with cushing syndrome.

3.     Tumours:  In some rare cases, a non-cancerous tumour develops in the ovaries which causes overproduction of androgen hormone. This immediately triggers testosterone hormone causing hirsutism and other disorders.

4.     Menopause: When a woman’s body is going through the stage of menopause, the ovaries start producing androgens and stop producing estrogen. This hormonal imbalance causes hirsutism and most elder women complain of abnormal hair growth and acne problems.

5.     Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: This is a genetic disorder which causes overproduction of androgen and cortisol hormones by the adrenal glands. Overproduction of these hormones causes hirsutism disorder in many women.

6.     Medication: If you have been using steroids for a longer time, there is a greater chance for you to have a hormonal imbalance in your body. This causes abnormal hair growth, distribution and acne problems.

How is Hirsutism treated?

As a woman, you would not want any unwanted hair growth on unusual parts of your body. There are a number of ways by which you can get rid of those abnormal hair growth and acne problems.

1. Medical Therapy

There are a variety of drugs and medicines that can immediately stop abnormal hair growth in your body. The medication will majorly depend upon the severity of hirsutism that you are suffering from. One major drawback of using medication is that the hair growth will begin as soon as you stop your medication.

2.     Birth Control Pills (Oral Contraceptives)

Oral contraceptives and birth control pills are considered to be one of the most effective treatments for hirsutism. Birth control pills prevent ovulation and this decreases the production of androgen hormone. Apart from slowing down the abnormal hair growth, these pills also regulate menstruation in women.

3.     GnRH Analogs

If you are suffering from a severe form of hirsutism, gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) analog treatment may prove to be the most effective in your case. These drugs suppress the production of androgens and estrogen levels by the ovaries. This hormonal change can stop the abnormal hair distribution and acne growth.

4.     Temporary Hair Removal

Shaving is one of the easiest and effective ways of removing hair, temporarily. Also, shaving through a normal or electric razor does not have any side effects. Apart from this, you can also use a facial cream that has eflornithine hydrochloride, as the main content. These creams can reduce the unwanted excessive growth of hair and acne.

5.     Permanent Hair Removal

Electrolysis and laser are the two techniques used for permanent hair removal. In the first type of treatment, the hair follicles are permanently damaged so that no new hair growth is possible. The only drawback of this treatment is that it cannot be used on broader areas of your body like chest and abdomen. Laser treatment on the other hand can be used on large areas of the body. The treatment involves use of a laser beam light to destroy the hair follicles. Both the methods are painful but they also account for being the most effective in removing and blocking new hair growth.

It is not always possible to control abnormal hair growth or acne problems, but you can try having a balanced diet along with exercises, to reduce the risk of hirsutism. Also, avoid taking any unnecessary medication because that can severely impact your hormonal imbalance.

DermatologyHoney Mathur