Skin Rash: Skin Disorders: Pictures, Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Skin disorders are prevalent among people of all ages and races. As the skin is the largest organ of your body, it is exposed to different elements that can cause problems such as rashes, allergies, and skin disorders. Skin disorders often share similar symptoms, which is why it is hard to identify from which condition you are suffering. 

Skin Rash

Most skin disorders are not severe, and they do not pose any real threat to your health and well-being in the long run. However, some disorders have the potential of becoming harmful to your health over time. So it is essential that you keep a check on your problems and get them treated as soon as possible.

Skin disorders can be irritable, sore, itchy and hard to get rid of, but it is essential that you identify the type of skin disorder you have for it to be treated soon. Delaying treatment might cause the affected area to spread further, and the skin disease can become even tougher to heal. So, let’s take a look at some common skin disorders and how you can treat and prevent them.

4 Common Skin Disorders And How To Treat Them

1.      Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic Dermatitis

●     Description: This condition is common for babies, but it can affect adults as well. It is usually harmless and can go away on its own in due time. In babies, this condition is known as a ‘cradle cap’. In adults, this condition can affect any part of the body, and the condition will be prone to appearance and disappearance throughout the patient’s life.

●     Symptoms: For babies, the symptoms include scaly and greasy skin, especially on the scalp. For adults, the symptoms are different as the skin tends to become swollen and reddish in colour with a greasy look.

●     Treatment: This condition requires continuous treatment in the form of medicated soaps and shampoos. You may also need to use medically prescribed anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory medications.

2.      Moles


●     Description: Moles are a very common skin condition that appears when skin cells gather up with tissues surrounding the area. Moles can appear in your body at any time during your lifetime. In general, moles are harmless, but they should be checked out if they grow abnormally or change colour.

●     Symptoms: There are no such symptoms when it comes to moles. Moles appear as a projection on your skin, generally blackish or brownish in colour. They can appear randomly without any prior symptoms.

●     Treatment: Moles are essentially harmless in most cases, and they do not require medical treatment. If you are not happy with the moles on your body and want to treat them, the treatment process is surgically removing the mole.

3.      Melanoma


●     Description: Melanoma is a condition that is directly linked to moles. It is a form of serious skin cancer that can be fatal if not treated properly. Melanoma is the consequence for which moles need to keep in check. This condition can affect children and adults both.

●     Symptoms: Melanoma can be identified when you notice any irregularly shaped mole on your body. You should also be alarmed if any moles are coloured in an uneven manner.

●     Treatment: Melanoma is a type of skin cancer. The treatment process includes chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Melanoma can be treated if it is diagnosed early on; in the later stages, it can be fatal, so early diagnosis is a necessity.

4.      Lupus


●     Description: Lupus is a serious skin disorder that affects the immune system of the body. This condition is highly complex and varies greatly from person to person. The skin rashes that appear from lupus are not irritating, but it affects your body in other ways such as fever, headaches, and pain in the joints.

●     Symptoms: Red patches of skin that are ring-shaped and sunburn-like spots on the nose and cheek are some of the most common symptoms of lupus. If the rashes mentioned are followed by bouts of fever, fatigue, and headaches, it can be a significant symptom that you are suffering from lupus.

●     Treatment: Lupus is an incurable condition that cannot be fully treated. Treatment for this condition focuses on improving the lifestyle of the affected by controlling the flare ups experienced by the patient. Steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs can be used as a medication for controlling this condition.

Skin disorders are common, but they require certain lifestyle and personal hygiene changes for the best course of treatment. More often than not, skin disorders are easier to treat when they are diagnosed early on. Still, in later stages of diagnosis, some skin disorders can become untreatable as well as fatal. So, it is crucial for you to pay close attention to your skin health to avoid such diseases.