What Are the Types of Leukemia?

Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects the blood-forming cells of the bone marrow and increases the growth of the white and red blood cells at an abnormal rate. The Leukemia cells multiply rapidly and crowd out the other cells present in the bone marrow. After a while, the Leukemia cells flood out of the bone marrow and spread into the bloodstream, which increases the number of WBC in the bloodstream abnormally.

As soon as it ends up in the bloodstream, it can quickly spread among the other organs of the body and hinder their normal functioning capability. Leukemia can be differentiated into several different types, and knowing the type from which the patient is suffering, helps the doctor frame the treatment planning accordingly. Read ahead to learn more about the types of Leukemia, their symptoms, causes, and possible treatment options.

Types Of Leukemia That Commonly Affect People


Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

Description: Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) often occurs in children under 15 or in adults above 45. It is one of the most common forms of Leukemia that occurs in kids, especially between the ages of 2-4.

Symptom: The symptoms of ALL are often similar to flu, and it usually includes weakness, fatigue, fever, and body aches. Some of the other probable symptoms are easy bleeding of gums and nosebleeds.

Cause: Acute lymphocytic Leukemia happens when a mutation occurs in the genetic material or DNA of the bone marrow. But it is still uncertain what pushes the DNA to mutate and further leads to abnormal changes.

Treatment: The treatment schedule of a patient suffering from ALL often includes chemotherapy, radiation therapy, chemotherapy with stem cell transplant, or immunotherapy. Considering the stage of cancer and several other factors such as age and medical history, the doctor will follow the treatment method that suits your condition the most.

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Description: Also known as Acute Myelogenous Leukemia, this Leukemia type affects a specific type of white blood cells referred to as the myeloid cells. It develops rapidly and often attacks the red blood cells or platelets too. The number of Leukemia cells often outnumbers the healthy blood cells and renders its normal functioning ability. As it affects the blood, this form of cancer has the ability to spread to other organs and parts of the body as well.

Symptom: Some of the major symptoms of AML are fever, frequent infections, and anaemia.

Cause: Like all other Leukemia types, acute myelogenous Leukemia develops when a mutation occurs in the DNA/genetic material of the bone marrow. But the reasons behind these changes are still not found yet.

Treatment: The major treatment procedures for acute myelogenous Leukemia are remission induction therapy and consolidation therapy. From the disease's subtypes, the patient's age and several other factors are considered before framing a treatment plan for a person suffering from this particular type of Leukemia.

Chronic lymphocytic Leukemia

Description: This is a slow-growing Leukemia type that develops in the lymphocytes of the bone marrow and slowly spreads into the blood and further into the different organs of your body.

Symptom: The probable symptoms include enlargement of the lymph nodes of the neck, underarm, abdomen, or groin, fatigue, and weakness. There are several other symptoms like night sweats and fever, but it varies highly from person to person.

Cause: Same as other types of cancer, even this type of Leukemia is caused by mutations in the cells' DNA/genetic materials present in the bone marrow. However, why the mutations are caused is yet unknown.

Treatment: There is a varied range of treatment options such as targeted drug therapy, bone marrow transplant, and chemotherapy, and the doctors choose the most suitable one according to the patient's condition.

Chronic myeloid Leukemia

Description: This type of Leukemia is quite different from the ones discussed so far as it is an abnormal chromosome; the Philadelphia chromosome has shown an association with CML.

Symptom: The primary symptoms of CML include easy bleeding, fever, loss of appetite, and night sweat.

Cause: Chronic myeloid Leukemia occurs when specific changes occur in the genes present in the bone marrow cells. The reason behind these changes is still uncertain as it is based on many unknown factors.

Treatment: The treatment procedures of cancer are often similar ones, and the most suitable one according to the patient's condition is recommended by the doctor.



There is no way that anyone can prevent cancer from developing in their bodies. Nor can we manage to take precautions as the causes are still not found by scientists and experts. The only available option is to consult with a doctor (Oncology) as soon as you detect certain unusual changes or issues in your body before it gets out of our hands. When it comes to cancer such as Leukemia the early detection is the difference between life and death.

OncologyHoney Mathur