Can smoking cause cancer?

Whenever you go and buy a pack of cigarettes, the first thing you will notice is the big cautionary picture saying that "Smoking causes cancer". People are aware of this warning, yet they continue with this habit of smoking nicotine. Most think that with smoking, stress can be alleviated, headaches can be mitigated, and even drowsiness can be eradicated. But that's not the truth because smoking isn't helpful.

It harms the lungs and blocks the alveoli sacs (tiny bubbles through which air exchange occurs), but it also causes cancer in the respiratory system. The big question is how! We have discussed some facts concerning smoking and its relationship with cancer or any carcinogenic response in your body to answer this.

What types of chemicals are there in cigarettes?

Cigarettes are made from dried leaves of the tobacco plant, which contains nicotine as one of the major components. This particular substance immediately mixes with our blood and imparts a psychotic high, which results in the psychotic high. Apart from it, there are several other harmful substances like:

  1. Hydrogen cyanide

  2. Lead

  3. Arsenic

  4. Benzene

  5. TSNAs or tobacco-specific nitrosamines

  6. Polonium

  7. PAHs or the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons


How can cigarettes cause cancer?

The harmful chemicals present in cigarettes interfere with the human body systems in two significant ways:

  • These chemicals interfere with the immunity system of the body. As a result, your body will lose its power to fight against carcinogenic elements, positive radicals, etc. You will become more prone to oxidative damage, which further results in cancer development.

  • Another effect that smoking has is the impairment of the DNA molecules. The chemicals present in the dried tobacco leaves affect the proteins in the molecules, which change the very essence of your being. As a result, your body is more vulnerable to carcinogenic effects.

Is it possible to prevent cancers caused due to cigarettes?

Yes, it’s possible to prevent the cancers caused due to the smoking of cigarettes by quitting this activity. For example, if you quit using nicotine, the chances of developing throat and mouth cancers will drop by almost 50% after a couple of years. Most people think that quitting cigarettes is almost similar to reducing the frequency of smoking to two to three pieces per day.


However, that’s not the truth because even when you reduce the frequency of smoking, your body will still receive all the harmful chemicals. Yes, the damage rate to the cells and DNA will decrease, but it will be there. Therefore, the best way out is to stop smoking completely.

Are cigars as harmful as cigarettes?

Yes, the cigars are harmful, just like the cigarettes, because these are also made from dried leaves of the tobacco plant. As a result, your body will be exposed to harmful chemicals having the same effect on your body as cigarettes. So, you should say a big no to both these substances if you want to alleviate the risks of suffering from cancer.

Is there any alternative to cigarette smoking?

Since smoking forms an addiction, quitting it at a go will lead to several problems. As a result, many people have resorted to some other form of alternatives that will help their body to ease the addiction and quit smoking. Below mentioned are some of the significant alternatives you can try out:

  1.  Vaping pens

  2. Electronic cigarettes

  3. Heated tobacco

    or you can also visit Medipulse Hospital Jodhpur for consultation and help



Smoking might cause a momentary high, which can relax most smokers. But its health impacts are dangerous and life-threatening, so everyone should quit it at the earliest. Yes, the damage done can't be reversed, but the risks can easily be reduced to a nominal level.