Steps to take care of while carrying out a full body checkup

A full body checkup is done by most of the people only at the time of any minor or major medical emergency. However, a periodic full body checkup should be done at least once in 6-12 months, so as to ensure that you are keeping yourself immune to and avoid any forthcoming medical issues.


However, there are some pre-requisites which need to be followed before and after a thorough body checkup, failing which will surely create adversities in the results of the same. Following are the steps and practices need to be followed for a full body checkup:-

  1. Have proper sleep prior to checkup – Ample amount of rest is as equally important as having adequate diet and physical work, in order to keep the blood flow and proper contraction of all the muscles of your body. It is recommended to have a proper sleep of at least 6 hours prior to the health checkup, failing of which can result in the irregularity of heartbeat, body temperature and blood pressure while conduction of various tests.

  2. Monitoring of food intake – It is advisable not to eat or drink any kind of food in the duration of six to eight hours before the tests are conducted, as the intake of food can create irregularities in the data retrieved for blood sugar and cholesterol tests. However, consumption of water should be done in order to avoid the possibility of dehydration.

  3. Avoid consumption of alcohol – While consumption of alcohol in itself is not good for health in a longer run, but if you really do consume alcohol, it is recommended to avoid it in the duration of 24 hours before the tests are to be conducted for a health checkup. Consumption of alcohol might hamper the results of the tests, especially the data of liver, kidney and blood tests.

  4. Avoid salty and fatty foods before tests – The consumption of salty and fat-rich foods can hamper the blood sugar level irregularly, which can lead to possible hampering of the results of the tests. So, it is always advisable to avoid such kind of foods before the conduction of tests. However, post the tests, you can consume these foods in a regulated manner.

  5. Avoid heavy exercise – Both weightlifting, as well as cardio exercises, increase the blood flow, heartbeat rate and pulse rate of a human body. If you are going for a full body checkup on a particular day, it is recommended to not practice any kind of exercise on that very day. Doing so will keep the blood flow and heartbeat rate at optimum levels.

  6. Carry reports of existing chronic diseases, if any – If you are suffering from any existing chronic disease like high blood pressure or ailment, it is advisable to carry the latest reports of that particular disease while carrying out a full body checkup. Doing this will help the doctors to have a better idea for complete diagnosis.

  7. Consult with a doctor for the consumption of hypertension medicines – Consumption of hypertension medicines, if any, can cause side effects which might alter the results of the health checkup. In such circumstances, it is recommended to take such medicines after proper consultation with a doctor, following his prescription.

  8. Wear loose and comfortable clothing – The medical personnel will require blood or urine samples for conduction of tests related to full body checkup. For giving these samples, it is advisable to wear loose clothing, which is comfortable enough and allow access to your upper arms, usually from where the blood sample is taken.

  9. Avoid conduction of tests in a menstrual period – For females, if they are undergoing there periodic menstrual cycle, it is advisable to skip the conduction of tests during that period as well as four days before and after the aforementioned duration. During the period of the menstrual cycle, the urine analysis cannot be done properly due to blood contamination, which will hamper the result of the tests.

  10. Avoid X-Rays during pregnancy – During pregnancy, in order to ensure the well-being of the child in the womb of females, it is advisable to avoid X-ray tests. The X-Rays are very powerful and can hamper the activities as well as the formation of the embryo in the womb.


You must be ensured of the fact that all the medical tests coming under full body checkup should be carried under strict supervision and advice of trained medical professionals or doctors. For conducting a full-body checkup, kindly contact the nearest hospital or a renowned testing center.

Health check-upHoney Mathur