What To Eat During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is perhaps the most miraculous thing because a woman is producing a human being inside her womb. It is extremely important to keep a check on what you are eating during your pregnancy, so that your body gets all the requisite nutrients for the baby to develop and grow healthy. Making the right choices in eating is important to help your body deal with the major changes that are happening.

Ideally, an expectant mother’s diet should have a balanced mix of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Each nutrient has its own importance and contribution in helping build your baby.

1.     Calcium: It is extremely helpful in building strong teeth, bones, muscles and nerves of your baby. Gynaecologists usually prescribe calcium supplements to the expectant mother right from the second trimester because that is when your baby’s bones and muscles start to develop.

2.     Folic acid: It is another essential nutrient that saves the baby from any kind of neural tube defects. Doctors say that at least 600 micrograms of folic acid are essential for the expectant mother.

3.     Vitamin D: It helps to strengthen the immune system of the expectant mother.

4.     Iron: An expectant mother needs twice as much iron as the body normally does without pregnancy. This mineral helps in maintaining the haemoglobin levels in the body.

5.     DHA: It is an omega-3 fatty acid and plays a vital role in baby’s brain and eye development. Expectant mothers need at least 200 to 300 milligrams of DHA per day. 

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Now that you understand which mineral and nutrient does what, it is important to have a balanced diet so that your intake is an ideal proportion of all the nutrients.

Let us list down some super-nutritious foods for you to accommodate in your meals, during pregnancy.

1.     Dairy Products: During pregnancy, your body demands some extra grams of protein and calcium, for your baby’s growing bones and even to keep your body muscles strong. Dairy products include milk, yoghurt, cheese and ghee and they should compulsorily be a part of your daily diet regime. Certain varieties of yoghurt also contain probiotic bacteria that help in digestion. 

2.     Legumes: Legumes are the most protein-rich source of food and includes peas, beans, chickpeas, soyabeans and lentils. They are also rich in folate, iron and fiber which are very essential for your body during pregnancy. Women often complain of constipation during pregnancy as legumes help to ease out that problem.

3.     Eggs: Eggs are a rich source of protein, fats and vitamins. They also have choline which is a form of vitamin B that the liver makes. It is extremely essential during pregnancy for your baby’s brain development and prevents abnormalities of the brain and spine.

4.     Leafy green vegetables: Leafy green vegetables are a rich source of almost all the nutrients that your body would need. They are loaded with iron, potassium, vitamins and calcium. They relieve constipation and are also associated with a low risk of underweight babies.

5.     Whole grains: They are a rich source of fibres and vitamins. Some whole grains like barley and wheat are also loaded with magnesium and vitamin B. You should make it a choice to include oats, quinoa, and brown rice in your daily meals.

6.     Dry fruits: Dry fruits are rich in calories, fiber, and various vitamins and minerals. Just one serving of dry fruits can suffice for the daily prescribed requirements of vitamins, minerals, iron and potassium. Expectant mothers should add a small portion of mixed nuts in their daily diet regime.

7.     Bananas: They are a rich source of potassium which helps in maintaining good levels of blood pressure. Plus, they provide immediate energy whenever you feel a strong urge to eat something.

8.     Sweet potato: They're loaded with vitamin A and can serve for more than 4 times of your daily requirement. Vitamin A is essential during the first trimester when your baby starts to develop different organs and body parts.

9.     Salmon: Salmon is rich in essential omega-3 fatty acids that are very essential for baby’s growth. If you are fond of non-vegetarian food, you should make salmon a part of your diet as they aid in the development of baby’s brain and eyes. However, be cautious as fish also contains mercury and other contaminants, so avoid too much of its intake.

10. Water: Expectant mothers should stay hydrated because your body needs more water as the blood volume increases. The foetus also floats in water inside the womb hence, hydration gets passed onto your baby so you should strictly watch your water intake. Increased water intake also reduces the chances of urinary tract infections which are very common during pregnancy.

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If you do not like a certain food item, try giving it a twist and you can have a whole lot of delicious items to even the most non-delicious things. Remember, your growing baby will take down everything you give to it so stay cautious about your eating choices.