Post-COVID impact on eyes

Post-COVID impact on eyes

COVID-19 has been in the news for the better part of the last two years. With a deadly virus that has stopped the normal lifestyle of the world for almost two years, this virus is no less scary today than it was when it first arrived in 2019. The complete picture of the risk and the repercussions of the virus are still not fully understood even after all this time.

Even today, tens and thousands of people in India are testing positive for COVID on a daily basis. As bad as the situation is for people that are testing positive for COVID-19, it is equally bad for people that are recovering from COVID-19. However, the latter is not reported enough, and many people do not know about the post-COVID risks that exist.

Starting from hair fall to skin diseases and the physical weakness caused by the lapse of the immune system. COVID-19 has complicated after-effects that take as long as nine months to recover fully. One of such less reported and lesser-known after-effects of post-COVID recovery is its impact on the eyes. Let’s take a look into what impacts your eyes might face post-COVID and what might be causing the impact.

Impact of post-COVID recovery on your eyes

It has been observed in many patients that COVID-19 has caused the deterioration of eyesight from minimal deterioration to eyesight to complete blindness. The post-COVID recovery impact on the eyes has had serious effects on the vision of the patients. It has been mainly noticed that people with more serious COVID infections have suffered the worst forms of damage to their eyes.

Certain patients have faced problems such as light sensitivity, pain in the eyes, poor sense of depth and perception, and complete loss of eyesight. These symptoms are not only hard to recover from; it has been seen that patients have taken more than a year to recover from these symptoms and fully recover from the problems that they have faced with their eyes.

If you are recovering from COVID, it must be in your recovery plan to visit an ophthalmologist to ensure that you are not facing these issues, and if you are, you can create a treatment plan for your vision problems as soon as possible.

What causes these post-COVID vision problems?

The full reason as to what particularly causes these problems has not been found yet, but doctors and medical practitioners have reported that due to the nature of COVID-19 where it deprives the body of oxygen by dropping your blood oxygen levels to dangerously low levels. Your brain, in turn, receives less oxygen for an extended period of time. This can and, according to experts, probably does cause the vision problems that people go through during post-COVID recovery.


COVID-19 is a very dangerous illness that is still not fully understood. If you are suffering from COVID, you must get proper medical care both during and after your initial COVID infection. As the best private hospital in Jodhpur, you must come to Medipulse hospital for the best quality care for COVID recovery. The experienced staff and doctors of the hospital are well-versed in planning and creating a proper recovery regime for you to recover from COVID and all its after-effects as soon as possible.