Bronchoscopy In Jodhpur - What Questions To Ask Your Pulmonologist

Bronchoscopy In Jodhpur

If you have been advised to take a bronchoscopy test, chances are you’ve been suffering from a persistent cough or breathing trouble. A little more severe reason for bronchoscopy could be an abnormal chest X-ray, suspected lung infection, or something really terrifying like coughing up blood. So, in case your pulmonologist has advised you for a bronchoscopy, it is always better not to take a chance and immediately go for the medical procedure.


So, first of all, what is bronchoscopy? Bronchoscopy is a medical procedure usually performed by a pulmonologist or a doctor specializing in all kinds of lung disorders. A thin tube, otherwise known as a bronchoscope, is passed through your mouth or nose through your throat down into your lungs during the procedure. This is the procedure of bronchoscopy briefly explained, and indeed it’s pretty daunting.


Getting such a daunting medical test without knowing anything about the procedure and rules can be terrifying, and more so when it involves passing something down your throat. So, let’s take a look at the types of bronchoscopes, how and when they are used, and how you should prepare for the medical procedure.

Types of Bronchoscopes and Their Uses

Bronchoscopy In Jodhpur

Flexible Bronchoscopes

\Most of the time, bronchoscopes that are used for the procedure are flexible in nature. It is used when the patient has a persistent cough that isn’t going away, an abnormal chest X-ray, or a suspected infection.

Rigid Bronchoscopes

Other times, in rare cases, bronchoscopes can be rigid in nature when there is a blockage in the airway, or there is a lot of bleeding involved.

Reasons You Have Been Advised Bronchoscopy

  • Bronchoscopy is used to diagnose any problem that is related to the lungs by obtaining samples of mucus or tissue.

  • A bronchoscopy is advised for a more detailed diagnosis if something out of the ordinary or abnormal is noticed in your chest X-ray.

  • Removal of blockages like tumors or mucus, or a foreign object in the airway is also done with the help of bronchoscopy.

  • In case of narrowing of the airway or a collapsed lung, bronchoscopy is used.

  • It is also used to put a stent which is a small tube in the airway to hold the airway open in place.

  • It is also used for the biopsy of tissue from the lung region.

How Should You Prepare Before Going for a Bronchoscopy?

Now that you know and understand all the ins and outs of bronchoscopy let’s see how you should prepare yourself before going for a bronchoscopy. Keep in mind that these precautions are not only recommended, but it is necessary before going for the medical procedure. Your pulmonologist will be informing you of all these precautions, and along with that, if there are any other instructions, you must follow them before going for bronchoscopy.


Inform your pulmonologist if you have been taking any medication previously. It might be so that they tell you not to take any type of blood-thinning medication like aspirin before the test. Also, they may ask you to avoid taking ibuprofen or any alternatives for a week before the procedure.


You will also be asked by the pulmonologist to not eat or drink the night before or four to eight hours before the procedure, so make sure you take this precaution.

Personal items

The pulmonologist will ask you to remove glasses, contact lenses, or hearing aids if you have any of them. Along with that, you will also be asked about dentures or if you have any removable bridges before opting for the procedure.

Other Necessary Precautions

It is advised to take somebody with you from your family or friends or relatives to drive or take you home safely. The lingering effects of anesthesia will make you unable to drive home alone safely, so it is recommended that you bring someone and stay with you for some time after the procedure is done for any kind of assistance.


Bronchoscopy is an essential medical test that can help you diagnose complex respiratory illnesses. So, if you have been prescribed to take a bronchoscopy test, be sure to visit MediPulse hospital for the best and most accurate bronchoscopy results in Jodhpur. You can learn more about a bronchoscopy, its cost, and other details on the hospital website.